This was the first, maybe second, time I’ve been to Loranger High School since I graduated in 2011. But that’s not the only thing that made this shoot interesting.

We just love Tanner and are so pleased with how they came out. Tanner did a great job and made them easy and fun. I have to say though, I was a little nervous before the shoot, simply because when talking to Mrs. Vanessa, Tanner’s mom, she had said they wanted to get on the football field. Well, Danielle and I passed the football field the day before and let’s just say it put the FIELD in football field. The grass was so high they could bail hay. And no, I’m not exaggerating. It was rough. After seeing that I just knew this was going to be awful. Tanner was going to look like he was in a random field with at goalpost or scoreboard behind him. I’m not sure if they pulled some strings or what, but the grass was cut the next day, and while it still wasn’t the prettiest thing in the world and lacking lines, it was 100% better. Everything was going great. Then Tanner’s Aunt Marlene said “I want some photos of him on the goal post”. AND she came prepared with a ladder so Tanner wasn’t getting out of it. They got the ladder and up Tanner went. And shout out to him because that bad boy was quite shaky.

Once we wrapped up at the field, we headed over by his paw-print (if you don’t know, these are paw prints the seniors get to paint that are on display for their whole senior year) and shot a few photographs there. Then we went to the front of the school for a few obligatory sign photos. We were done at the school and headed to Aunt Marlene’s for some fishing, hunting, truck and dog photos which would conclude our shoot.
It was so much fun, and I’m beyond thankful Tanner didn’t fall off that goal post!