If you google “Ross and Rachel first kiss”, the results that come up say their first kiss was in Central Perk. Specifically the episode “The One Where Ross Finds Out.” But, if you remember, we actually see them kiss in a much earlier episode. Yep, that’s right, the internet is wrong, imagine that. Their first kiss happens in “The One with the East German Laundry Detergent”. This was way back in Season 1 Episode 5 of Friends. It’s the scene where Rachel is at a laundromat doing her laundry for the first time, and Ross shows up. He ends up helping Rachel fend off a laundromat bully and shows her how to sort her laundry. The rush of this experience prompts Rachel to excitedly kiss Ross for the first time. And then, of course, Ross hits his head on the door of the dryer.
We recently started the series over for the 320th time (see what we did there?), and when this episode came on we had an epiphany! That’s when we decided to do a Friends-Themed Photoshoot! We already knew there was a really cool looking laundromat in downtown Hammond, so we just needed our Ross and Rachel and the fitting attire.
The first couple that came to mind was Abigail and Dominic. We recently shot their senior photos, and they were just so sweet and fun to work with. They happened to be fans of the show, and when we asked if they’d model for us, they were so down!
For the attire, we headed to Goodwill, and within minutes we had found shirts almost exactly like the ones Rachel and Ross are wearing in the scene. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any Uberweiss detergent, so we went with good ole Gain laundry detergent.
Abigail and Dom were so perfect playing their parts of Ross and Rachel! Just look at these photos!
Models: Abigail and Dominic
Clothes: Goodwill
Location: Speedy Klean Downtown Hammond
Photographer: Three Twenty Studio