As you begin to plan your wedding, you may decide that it’s too difficult, too complicated, or too stressful and look for an easier way to say I do. Planning a wedding is stressful so a lot of people end up going to the courthouse or eloping to make it easy and simple.  With an elopement, like everything, there are pros and cons.

Elopement Pro – There Are Minimal Costs Involved

One of the biggest benefits of choosing to do an elopement is the amount of money that you save. When you go to the courthouse, you have the courthouse fee, which can range from $25.00 – $100.00 and the cost of whatever you and your fiancé will be wearing. That’s about it. If you go somewhere else, you have the cost of the officiant. You don’t have to worry about food, the venue or the DJ! However, something we do highly suggest is hiring a professional photographer for your elopement regardless of where it is. This is so important because no matter what, you’re going to want really great photos to look back on as the years go by. You’re going to want to remember the moment you said ”I do” to the person you love the most.

While saving money is a great reason to elope, don’t let the money be the only driving force. We are firm believers in saving money, spending frugally, and staying out of debt as much as possible but we also believe that if you want a full wedding, you should have one. There are plenty of ways that you can save money when it comes to having a full wedding instead of eloping. You can save money on your venue, your food, your flowers, and even your attire. You can literally save money in every aspect of your wedding.

Pro – An Unforgettable Experience

If you didn’t want to elope to the courthouse, another way to pull off an elopement is to elope to a place that’s special to you and your fiancé. You could also just go to an awesome place in general. For example, you can elope to Red Bluff, Tunica Falls, Jamaica, or Hawaii. You can go just about anywhere you’d like! You can even have a backyard elopement with a small group of friends and family.

Pro – Relationship-Centered

A great thing about eloping is that it’s all about the relationships. There’s no flashy lights, music or anything like that. It’s really 100% about you, your fiancé, and the small group of people you have with you.

Pro/con – Simplified Guest List

When you have an elopement, typically there’s not a whole lot of people attending. Since this is the case, you’ll have to narrow down that guest list. That could be a good thing, but it could also be a bad thing. That’s something that you and your fiancé are going to want to talk about and decide on together. One thing that we suggest, if you do decide to elope is properly explaining your reasons for eloping to the people you care about. While you don’t owe anyone an explanation for the decisions that you make, it could really help your family and friends understand why you’re eloping and they will likely support your decision you even more.

Elopement Con – A “Fake” Mindset

One downfall of an elopement is just the mindset that it can put you in. If you go to the courthouse, or anywhere else instead of having a traditional wedding, you might dismiss the wedding as not a “real wedding”. It might be less significant to you. And if this is the case, you should 100% not elope.

Elopement Pro- Less Stressful

An elopement can also be much less stressful than having an actual wedding. If you are someone who doesn’t like making a lot of big decisions or making decisions under stressful situations, then an elopement might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Whether you choose to elope or choose to have a full wedding, it’s important to remember why you’re getting married. It’s important to remember that you love your fiancé with all your heart and that love is the REAL reason you’re getting married. You’re not getting married to impress your friends or to please your family. You’re making a lifelong commitment to the person you love the most and that’s amazing!

We hope this article has given you a fresh perspective on elopements and whether they might be right for you. If you loved this and want more wedding planning insights and inspiration, be sure to check out our other blogs. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s plan the wedding of your dreams – the way YOU want it!

If you’re leaning toward an elopement, you might have a few questions. This article on The Knot provides a comprehensive guide for couples who are planning an elopement. The checklist includes practical tips for choosing the perfect location, finding an officiant, selecting attire, and taking care of legal paperwork. It also suggests ways to personalize the ceremony and offers advice for creating a timeline and hiring vendors, such as a photographer or florist. The article emphasizes the importance of communicating with family and friends and provides guidance on how to share the news of an elopement in a sensitive and thoughtful manner.

Elopement Pros and Cons